Kaneila Earrings


Right to return for 14 days after receiving the order

Trackable and fast delivery from EU (Finland)

High quality products with over 18 000 happy customers


Kaikon tyylikkäät Kaneila -korvakorut on valmistettu käsityönä Nepalissa. Korun katseenvangitsijana toimivat mustat kristallihelmet. Korvakorujen kiinnikkeet ovat messinkiä ja nikkelivapaita, mutta ne voivat ärsyttää erittäin herkkää ihoa. Korun kokonaismitta on 4,5 cm.

Käsityönä Nepalissa valmistetut korumme työllistävät ja tukevat paikallisten naisten toimeentuloa, lue lisää täältä.

Choosing the right size

Korun kokonaismitta on 4,5 cm.

Fashion with a mission

"Kaiko was born from the desire to do good through fashion. Ethics and social responsibility are the core of Kaiko's entire operation. That's why we not only make our products transparently, but we redirect 7% of the profit of each product sold to educate Nepalese women and secure their livelihood." - Kaiko's founder & creative director Mirjam Sokka

Already €110,369 directed to Nepal together with our customers!

Read more about our values ​​and company here.

Material and Country of Manufacture


Messinki ja kristallihelmi

Country of manufacture: Nepal