We want to change the fashion world
"Kaiko was born from the desire to do good through fashion. Ethics and social responsibility are the core of Kaiko's entire operation. That's why we not only make our products transparently, but direct 7% of the profit of each product sold to educate Nepalese women and secure their livelihood.
Our dreams also include expanding our production to developing countries for this very reason. Although production in Europe is mostly responsible, in developing countries there is still a lot to do in this area. We want to be involved in creating a better clothing industry outside of Europe as well. With the help of fashion, it is possible to do good and change things - that's what our slogan Fashion with a mission means."
Miriam Sokka
Kaiko's founder and creative director
1. Design
We boldly create unique and high-quality design
4. Profitability
Profitable business enables our mission and change for the better

5. Team Spirit
A safe, inspiring and equal working community and team spirit is also one of Kaiko's values, which we strive to implement both among Team Kaiko and with our partners. Stay up to date with the latest news and job vacancies through our LinkedIn account.
Get to know our responsibility reviews
❤ Mission
We redirect 7% of the profit of every sold product to empower and educate women in Nepal
☁ Environmental responsibility
We are responsible for change, the environment sets the limits for action
♻ Circular economy
Our products withstand time and use, our services extend the life cycle