1. Make any returns within 14 days of receiving the product.

2. Register your return in our Return portal.

3. Fill the RMA number you got to the return form you received with your order (you can also find your RMA number from email). Carefully pack the returned products and the filled return form. It is important to fill out the form and include it with the package, so our warehouse can process your return.

4. Return the product using the shipping method of your own choice. The customer is responsible for the cost of returning the product. The return address is:

DHL Supply Chain / Kaiko Clothing
Ovakonkatu 2
20200 Turku

5. Done! We will refund the amount for the returned product as soon as possible. Please be patient and understand that the arrival of the package to our warehouse can take several days depending on the shipping method chosen. The amount will be refunded to the same payment method you used for the order or you can get +10% extra cash if you choose a Gift Card refund.

If you have placed an order through IVALO.COM, check the return instructions here .

You can access the returns portal here.


All our products have a 14-day return right from receipt of the goods in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act. Products to be returned must be in their original condition, i.e. unused and in condition the items can be sold again. Please return the product in its original packaging. The right of return does not apply to opened socks or hygiene products.

Registering the return in the return portal is mandatory, and we cannot process a return if no return notification has been made. It is also very important for the customer to include the completed return form with the return so that we can assign the return to the correct order and customer.

In the Return Portal, please select all the items you want to return at once. You can choose to receive the refund either to the original payment method or to a gift card, which gives you 10% more value on the gift card. Gift cards issued with returns are valid for 12 months.

The customer is responsible for any costs of shipping the return package to our warehouse and is free to choose the shipping carrier they'd like to use.

The money for the returned products will be refunded once the return arrives at the warehouse. For orders paid with a gift card, we will refund the amount paid with the gift card back to the gift card. We process returns within a maximum of 14 days after they arrive at our warehouse.

The customer is responsible for the shipping of the returned product and any associated costs. Please keep the receipt and tracking number of your return package until the return has been processed. This way, we can track the package's status if needed. We process returns within a maximum of 14 days after they arrive at our warehouse.


A salable product
If the product is returned to Kaiko in an unsaleable condition (e.g. dirty, used, lots of animal hair), we cannot accept the return. In this case, Kaiko has the right to either return the product in question to the customer without a refund, or alternatively, Kaiko can keep the product and refund the customer 50% of the amount the customer has paid for the product.

If the product you received is defective, you can make a complaint by sending us a picture of the product's defect, an explanation of the situation, your order number, name and phone number via email info(a)kaikoclothing.com. We will return to the matter as soon as possible!

Promotional offers
If you return a product with a promotional offer (such as buy 3, pay 2), please note that the offer expires if the conditions of the offer are no longer met and we will take this into account in the amount to be returned.

Eg: We offer a selection of products take 3, pay 2, in which case the cheapest one is free. You end up returning one of the three products, in which case the conditions of the offer are no longer met. If you return one of the products that you have paid for, we will deduct the value of the free product from the amount to be returned (you end up keeping the product you received for free, but the offer for the free product is no longer fulfilled, as you only keep two products).

Campaigns with free merchandise
If you return an order that was included with a free gift/merchandise, please also return them if the conditions of the campaign no longer met. We reserve the right to charge the price of the gifted merchandise, if the free gift/merchandise is not returned accordingly.

For example: we offer a free accessory (worth €14.90) for orders over €150 and you place a €200 order. However, you return products in such a way that the final value of the order is no longer more than €150, in which case you must also return the product you received on sale, because the conditions of the offer are no longer met. If we do not receive the merchandise in connection with another return, we have the right to deduct the value of the merchandise from the amount to be returned by €14.90.


Problems during in transport

If the product is lost during transport, damaged or the wrong product has been delivered to the customer, the customer must report the error immediately to the address info(a)kaikoclothing.com .

Notification of incorrect delivery or defective product must be made within 14 days of receiving the product. If the package is damaged during delivery, a complaint must be made immediately to the transport company.

We reserve the right to change our terms of delivery. We recommend that you read the valid delivery conditions before placing an order. We treat all customer data in complete confidence.

Updated 9.9.2024