2020 has been a special year for all of us. Some of it has been difficult and challenging, but there are always things that shed light on these exceptional times and the darkest weeks of the year.
At the beginning of the year, Kaiko expanded its production to Nepal, and there could not have been a more challenging time for the project than spring 2020. The global pandemic closed the borders, and contrary to our plans, we have not been able to visit Nepal all year. Corona disciplined and continues to discipline Nepal, making the situation very difficult. The country was in full lockdown for almost three months: you could only go outside for absolutely necessary things and only at certain times. As you might expect, this has made the work of our jewelry and cashmere product makers significantly more difficult.
So that the cooperation has been able to continue despite the challenges, ingenuity and, above all, tenacity have been needed. During the curfew, only food transports have been allowed to move outside, so threads have passed along with the rice packages and thus the knitting of Dinadi beanies has been able to continue in the seamstresses' homes. At the same time, many of our partners have taken significant digital leaps when buying gemstones has shifted to relying on video calls instead of market visits. The arrival of the Kashmir load to Vallila after months of delays was a day of celebration both for us and in Kathmandu!
The popularity of the Empowering Earrings jewelry collection and additional orders for sold-out products has been a great thing in many ways. Our silversmith Jai Prariar has lost all his other jobs because of the corona, but Jai and his family have been able to start building a new house for their family thanks to the income from Kaiko's jewelry orders. Jai and his family lost their home in the 2015 earthquake and have been living in very modest conditions ever since. Jai makes all the silver and brass hooks of the Empowering Earrings collection by hand, and also makes all the other metal parts for jewelry.
At the end of autumn, we organized the Buy One Give One campaign together with Lunete, which resulted in the donation of 204 moon cups with education to Nepal during 2021. If, due to the corona situation, we cannot get to the place ourselves, Anjila Shesthra, the work coordinator of our Nepal project, will deliver the donations and at the same time train the women on how to use the cup. Thank you for the warm welcome to everyone who bought cashmere rugs!
The donation of moon cups may seem like a small gesture, but it is a tangible proof of the good we can do with our choices. Our purchasing decisions always have a direct impact on the lives of the people who made the products, that's why Kaiko wants to offer the opportunity to make responsible and effective purchases.
On behalf of our entire team, thank you very much for being a part of Kaiko's journey. Let's continue together to change the world into a more beautiful and equal place for all of us. Together we are more and without you there would be no Kaikoa either.
Have a bright Christmas,
Eve Valopaasi
Responsibility manager