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Reiluja ja voimaannuttavia työpaikkoja - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Fair and empowering jobs

Since the foundation of Kaiko, our dream and goal has been to enable production also in the so-called risky countries of the textile industry. Our dream came true in 2020,...
Maailmaa voi muuttaa, vaikka yksi pipo kerrallaan - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

You can change the world, even one beanie at a time

Kaiko x Dinadi Beanie is the hand-knitted merino wool newest addition to Kaiko's knitted accessories, which fulfills our promise, Fashion with a mission, in its deepest meaning. Kaiko and Dinadi...
Kaiko x Lunette - miksi lahjoitamme juuri kuukautiskuppeja? - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Kaiko x Lunette - why are we giving away menstrual cups?

Our goal is to help break the taboos related to menstruation in Nepal, and to distribute menstrual pads to women who need them. Improving menstrual hygiene directly affects women's well-being...
Tulevaisuus 4600 naiselle - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

The future for 4,600 women

During the years 2017-2019, Naisten Pankki aims to strengthen the position of up to 4,600 women in Nepal in the Lalitpur region. Local institutions led by women are developed, expanded...