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Fashion with a mission - lähempänä unelmaa - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Fashion with a mission - closer to the dream

The year 2020 has been memorable, in both good and bad ways. The past year at Kaiko has also created many challenges, but the overriding feeling is gratitude. We will...
Joulukuun terveisiä Nepalista! - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

December greetings from Nepal!

2020 has been a special year for all of us. Some of it has been difficult and challenging, but there are always things that shed light on these exceptional times...
Kaiko x Lunette - jokainen ostos on valinta, jolla voimme saada muutosta aikaan - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Kaiko x Lunette - every purchase is a choice with which we can make a difference

Wrap yourself in the softness and warmth of Kashmir! Kaiko's first Nepali-made knitted accessories and sweaters have arrived. Fashion with a mission is now also realized as fair jobs for...
Empowering Earrings – reiluja ja oikeudenmukaisia työpaikkoja Nepaliin - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Empowering Earrings - fair and just jobs to Nepal

We had planned to present our first Nepal project to you already in April, but as you might expect, the corona situation got in the way and the products were...
Yhdessä unelmaa kohti - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Together towards the dream

Fashion with - an even Stronger - mission Great news! We are very excited that we have been able to unite with another Finnish brand that is inspiring, meaningful and...
Naisten Pankki, osa 2: Radhikan tarina - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Women's Bank Part 2: Radhika's Story

The reception in the village of Ghushel had been emotional and heartfelt, and we had learned a great deal about the work of the Women's Bank in rural Nepal ....
Ensimmäinen askel - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

First step

Where did Kaiko's story begin? When the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh collapsed in 2013, I, like many other European consumers, woke up to the reality of where a large...
Valoisia terveisiä Nepalista! - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Bright greetings from Nepal!

One of Mirjam and Kaiko's biggest dreams and goals for promoting women's education and employment has taken another important step forward. We are currently preparing a great project, which we...
Hyvää naistenpäivää! - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Happy women's day!

The Kaiko team would like to wish all women a wonderful Women's Day. Dare to pursue your dreams, and everything started. <3 Essi, Jenni, Mirjam, Henna & Ida-Lotta
Tiedote: Kaiko ja Naisten Pankki yhteistyöhön - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Release: Kaiko and Naisten Pankki to cooperate

"Kaiko was founded in 2016, but the idea of ​​combining business with charity started several years earlier. - At that time, the news reported about fires in clothing factories located...