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Asiakkaat kysyvät, Kaiko vastaa. "Miten varmistatte, että tehtaalla on hyvät olot työntekijöille?" - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Customers ask, Kaiko answers. "How do you ensure that the factory has good conditions for the workers?"

Greetings from Ponte de Lima! The majority of our products are manufactured at the Finnish-owned Cottonhouse Lda factory in northern Portugal, which employs 65 people. Cottonhouse's Finnish CEO, Riikka Keski-Vähälä...
Vaatevallankumousviikon kuvaterveiset Ilmajoelta! - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Clothing revolution week photo greetings from Ilmajoki!

Today we added a batch of accessories that complement the SS19 collections to our online store, which are made for us by the Ilmajokelainen family business, Sopiva Ompelu.  The greetings...
MiB goes Kaiko Clothing: keskustelutilaisuus kestävämmästä vaateteollisuudesta 24.4. - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

MiB goes Kaiko Clothing: discussion event on a more sustainable clothing industry 24.4.

Today, we started the morning by opening the doors of our office and welcoming ten mothers (and seven babies!) to discuss the future of the clothing industry and more sustainable...
Hyvää tasa-arvonpäivää ja maaliskuun terveiset Lalitpurista Subadhralta! - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Happy Equality Day and March Greetings from Lalitpuri Subadhra!

Greetings from our project village Ghusel, Nepal. Own livelihood strengthens the role and appreciation of women both in their family and in their community. Research has shown that helping women...
Tammikuun terveisiä Lalitpurista! 30-vuotias Srijana saa voimaa muista naisista - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

January greetings from Lalitpuri! 30-year-old Srijana gets strength from other women

Research has shown that helping women and girls is one of the most effective ways to improve the well-being of the family and the entire community and eliminate poverty. Thank...
Tulevaisuus 4600 naiselle - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

The future for 4,600 women

During the years 2017-2019, Naisten Pankki aims to strengthen the position of up to 4,600 women in Nepal in the Lalitpur region. Local institutions led by women are developed, expanded...
Vauva 8/2018: ”Ekologisenkin materiaalin valmistus voi kääntyä epäekologiseksi” - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Baby magazine 8/2018: "The manufacture of even ecological material can turn out to be unecological"

  How do I know that children's clothing is ethically and ecologically produced? This is what Mirjam Sokka, 26, started thinking about after having her first child three years ago....
Kauppalehti 3/2018: "Kaikon perustaja yhdistää työssään muodin ja hyväntekeväisyyden" - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Kauppalehti 3/2018: "Kaiko's founder combines fashion and charity in his work"

The dream of Mirjam Soka, who founded Kaiko Clothing Company, of her own company became brighter during her maternity leave. In the fall of 2013, Mirjam Sokka, who studied international...
Hyvää naistenpäivää! - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Happy women's day!

The Kaiko team would like to wish all women a wonderful Women's Day. Dare to pursue your dreams, and everything started. <3 Essi, Jenni, Mirjam, Henna & Ida-Lotta
Tiedote: Kaiko ja Naisten Pankki yhteistyöhön - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Release: Kaiko and Naisten Pankki to cooperate

"Kaiko was founded in 2016, but the idea of ​​combining business with charity started several years earlier. - At that time, the news reported about fires in clothing factories located...
Yhteinen joululahjamme TAYS:in lapsipotilaille - Kaiko Clothing Company Oy

Our joint Christmas gift to the child patients of TAYS

Many thanks! Together with you, we were able to collect a nice pot (€1128) and a Christmas surprise for the child patients of TAYS in November. According to the children's...